Terms & Conditions

ALNOVA LOGISTIK GmBH for Transport providers



We only work based on our general terms and conditions set out here. If you do not agree, please let us know in writing.

Unless otherwise stipulated, we work in accordance with the CMR regulations for international transport. We assume that you have the mandatory goods insurance valid for the duration of the transport, as this is a prerequisite for us to be able to work together. 

By accepting this contract, you confirm that you comply with the regulations of all European countries regarding the minimum wage (MiLoG, Loi Macron, etc.).

For any disputes, the official language will be German, and the proceedings will take place in the city of Innsbruck, Austria.

Service with partners: ALNOVA Logistik expects professional and ethical service from our partners. This means:

-          The truck information will be given in advance (24-48 hours prior to the start of the transport) and with the correct data (plate numbers, driver´s data, ETA loading site, ETA unloading site, status), to be able to announce it and organise the loading and unloading process. If, due to the lack or error of these data, there are any derived costs, you will take full responsibility.


-          Any possible incident/delay must be communicated immediately to the person responsible for the transport. Otherwise, any costs will be your sole responsibility.  


-          Safety: The trucks must comply with all European safety standards, and all documentation must be always available and up to date. The truck must not have any damage in the canvas/floor that could cause the goods to get wet in case of rain/snow, therefore they must be perfectly clean and odour free. Drivers must cooperate both at the loading and unloading sites with the personnel in charge of safety and organisation of loading/unloading. Security equipment such as boots, glasses, long trousers, vest, helmet must be provided all the time. After loading, the driver must always check that everything is properly loaded and secure the goods in such a way that they are safe. To secure the goods, the driver must use standard safety equipment, such as: 14 straps (500 Dam), side bars and grab bars (aluminium), corner protectors (of various sizes), anti-slip mats. If the driver does not have this equipment, he must purchase it immediately and you cannot charge us for it, and if there is a delay due to the lack of equipment, you will be held responsible.



-          Driving: The driver must always keep to the regulated driving and resting hours, being responsible for the correct planning of these. In addition, the vehicle must be parked in guarded car parks to ensure that the goods are not at risk of theft.


-          The agreed rates are fixed, and no more than the agreed rates can be charged. Any changes must be confirmed in writing.


-          When the goods have not been loaded correctly, the driver must immediately inform the shippers to correct it. If the driver is unable to secure the goods, he must ask the shippers for help and, if this is not possible either, inform us immediately.


-          If less than the agreed amount of the goods is loaded, ALNOVA Logistik reserves the right to seek a solution, and any costs would be passed to you.


-          Customs: In case the goods are loaded/unloaded outside the European Union, it will be necessary to follow the instructions for the customs process explained in the loading order and/or by e-mail. This is a critical process and must be done with accuracy and follow up by the driver. If the process is not done correctly, there may be high financial penalties for which you will be held responsible. In addition, there will be a cost of 35euros for the management of each process.



-          Cancellation of transport: Upon receipt of a transport from ALNOVA Logistik GmbH, you have 1 hour to check this transport contract. Once this time has expired, the shipment is accepted. Cancellation after this time is subject to a cancellation fee of 300euros if the cancellation is made at least 24 hours before the start of the transport (Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays are not working days). In case the cancellation is made with less than 24 hours before the start of the transport, this entails a cost of 300euros plus any other costs related to the search for an alternative transport and in case it is not possible to find a solution any related costs may be demanded.



-           Loading and unloading dates are to be understood as fixed dates unless otherwise stipulated in writing. Any delay in loading or unloading may be penalized with 300eur/day plus any related costs. In case the truck does not show up for loading, if no/unreliable information is available or any delay may cause damage that must be avoided, the transport can be understood to be cancelled and therefore the rule ‘cancellation of transport’ applies.


-          Transfer / unloading of the goods without our written permission is not permitted. It is understood that all transports must be carried out urgently without any unnecessary stops that would delay the transport. In case this is not respected, it can be considered that the goods have been seized, and the authorities will be notified. For any related costs you will be responsible.


-          Change of origin and/or destination address: In the exceptional cases in which there is a change of the loading or unloading address, we would be notified immediately and the difference in kms would be paid in the same condition as agreed in the original transport. Once the transport has been loaded, if there is a change of unloading address, it must be accepted. In case of refusal, you will be responsible for all related costs.


-          Refusal of unloading by delivery place: In the exceptional cases in which unloading side refuses to unload the goods, we will search for a solution and try to unload you in the nearest warehouse. If it is not possible, it will be necessary to bring the goods back to loading place. In both cases the difference in kms would be paid in the same condition as agreed in the original transport and no other cost would be accepted. This condition must be accepted, and in case of refusal from your side, you will be responsible for all related costs.


-          Refrigerated/freezer transport: for this type of transport, the vehicles will always comply with the ‘cold chain’ during transport and will send us proof of this, if necessary.


-          Pallets exchange: if pallet exchange has been agreed, proof of execution must be provided attached to the freight invoice. Otherwise, we will charge 25 eur/pallet + 35 eur handling fee. If no exchange pallets are available at the unloading place, the driver may not leave the unloading point without our instructions. The cost for an exchange of pallets is included in the agreed “all in” costs.


-          Truck standstill: For international transports, there may be waiting times during loading and unloading of the truck. To avoid this, please keep us always informed! If the truck must wait more than 5 hours for loading and/or unloading, the customer will be asked for compensation. A maximum of 200 Euro per day/truck is stipulated in cases where this is due to the loading/unloading site. Bank holidays and weekends are not considered working days for the standstill unless otherwise stipulated in writing.


-          No cargo/Cancellation on loading day: In the exceptional cases in which the transport is cancelled from our side on loading day, we will inform you as soon as possible and there will be a maximum compensation of 200 Euro depending on the kind of Transport FTL / LTL. If the cargo was cancelled the day before loading or earlier, there will be no compensation.


-          Damage to goods/theft: In case of any damage to the goods or lack of goods, we must be informed immediately. In case of damage, we expect a written report with the following information: place of damage, reason, amount of damage, photos and statement of the driver. If the goods were damaged due to a lack of security, all related costs are to be covered by you. In case of theft of the goods, you must: inform the authorities/police to make a report and inform us in writing with all relevant information. You and/or your insurance company must cover all the loses of the goods. We reserve the right to block the payment of this transport until you or your insurance company cover the damaged.


-          Invoicing: Your invoices must be in PDF format and must always be sent only by email to invoicing@alnovalogistik.com. To identify them, please write our transport number on the invoice! The deadline for payment is 60 days after receipt of all documents and they are correct. Payments are made twice per week on Mondays and Thursdays. To be able to invoice the transport, you will always need the transport documentation (CMR + delivery note) proving that the transport was carried out in perfect condition. This documentation will always be sent by email to invoicing@alnovalogistik.com in good quality (scanned) and in PDF format. The deadline for sending the documentation is maximum 21 days (once the transport has been completed, i.e. the unloading(s) has been carried out). In case the documentation has not been sent before 21 days, there will be 35 euros cost for the procedure per transport. If all the documentation is not received by ALNOVA Logistik the transport cannot be paid, and you will be held responsible for any related costs. If we work together as customer <-> provider, we can deduce the amount of your invoices from our invoices.  

-          Subcontracting of transport is only authorised if we are informed in writing in advance and we confirm it. If the transport is subcontracted by you, you must ensure that our AGBs are understood and accepted by the company carrying out the transport. If the transport has been subcontracted, we will need the proof of payment confirmation signed and stamped by the transport company who carried out the goods to proceed with the payment. In addition, you will be responsible for any incident arising from the subcontracting (e.g. payment chain) and payment confirmation will be needed for invoicing process.



-          All information in the contract(s) is confidential and must not be used for third parties. Furthermore, with the acceptance of this contract, a customer protection clause is stipulated, which makes business contact between both parties impossible for at least 12 months. In case this clause is not respected, legal action may be taken against you for damages up to a maximum of 40.000euros.